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Want2BHappyAgain (original poster member #45088) posted at 10:46 PM on Monday, October 2nd, 2023
You all know what is coming next
For those who haven't seen this Christmas present is to have the page TURN to the next page...this year it will be page 30
What page you say??? WELL...let me tell you
!! It is the "Positive Reconciliation Stories" thread that is pinned to the TOP of this Forum
You've never read it before
??? There is no better time than NOW
THIS thread is the first thread I look to when I get to the Reconciliation Forum
. THIS thread is what kept me SANE when the world as I knew it got flipped-turned upside down. THIS thread gave me HOPE when it seemed like all hope was LOST.
This thread can HELP so many people who come on here who are new and in that RAW pain we all have felt when we first found this site
. Just imagine...YOUR STORY could HELP another hurting cool is that???!!!
I have already harassed TWO people to post their wonderfully POSITIVE stories to that thread...and if they do...then only 5 more stories are needed to get that page to turn
WHO will help to get me my Christmas present this year
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
With God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
I AM happy again...It CAN happen!!!
From respect comes great love...sassylee
Want2BHappyAgain (original poster member #45088) posted at 4:04 PM on Friday, October 13th, 2023
TWO more posts have been added to the "Positive Reconciliation Stories" thread this week...WOOHOO!! THANKS Luna10 and Sincity!!! We now just have FIVE more posts left to turn the page on that thread
One of those posts though isn't about a positive reconciliation story...but it is still very important as to WHY that thread exists
. THANK YOU Sincity for letting all of us who post in that thread know how it made you feel to read those posts! I am looking forward to having YOU posting in that thread one day
SacredSoul33...your very POSITIVE post is almost off of the 1st page on this Forum. It could still live on in THAT thread though
. All you have to do is copy YOUR post and paste it into that thread
Hmmmm...I wonder if I could get my Christmas present this year BEFORE Halloween???? I mean...if you look at stores now...they have the Christmas stuff right next to the Halloween stuff...soooooo it isn't too far fetched to have those two events coincide
Come on people...let's HELP those who are so new to this Sincity. You might not be completely healed just yet...but that is alright too
. I started posting in this thread about 6-8 months after Dday...and wasn't completely healed until about 7 YEARS after Dday. But I was on the PATH to healing...and that is important as well. Three steps forward and two steps back is still PROGRESS
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
With God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
I AM happy again...It CAN happen!!!
From respect comes great love...sassylee
Want2BHappyAgain (original poster member #45088) posted at 4:14 PM on Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
Well...I didn't get my Halloween/Christmas present...but there is another post in that thread that leaves just FOUR more posts before we turn the page...WOOHOO
Come on my just need a paragraph...maybe tell about your POSITIVE reconciliation stories in that thread. You CAN do it
!! Just imagine the GIFT you will be giving to some of the newbies on here who are hurting so badly...especially with the holiday season right around the corner.
We ALL needed encouragement during this time...we ALL know that feeling...and we ALL can contribute our own stories to HELP others on here who can't even think there is a possibility of feeling some sense of normalcy right now. The "Positive Reconciliation Stories" thread is the PERFECT place to do that
A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
With God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)
I AM happy again...It CAN happen!!!
From respect comes great love...sassylee
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