Your attitude may be contributing. When you apologize and strive to make restitution you don't add a "but." Well, I cheated but this and this and this and that.
I was in a horrible marriage. No sex, not even once in over 2 years. He refused to even touch me, no hugs, no tenderness at all. He was emotionally abusive and had started becoming physically abusive. He told me constantly that I was worthless. He wasn't just "grumpy." I'm a pretty woman, or was a decade ago when this was all going on, and working in a male dominated environment. There were plenty of gorgeous, attentive men around me hitting on me all of the time. So by your attitude, I was entitled to cheat so long as I felt guilty afterwards. Yet, I never cheated. I knew cheating wasn't going to fix anything.
What i did do was start coming up with an exit plan. I actively started revamping my resume. I looked at finances and started looking for apartments in the state I wanted to love too, became more diligent at saving, looked at divorce attorney rates, etc. I came up with a date in my head (the day after I would be sending off the youngest to college) several months off as the drop dead date that he had to get his head out of his ass and start actively treating me better and working on fixing what he was breaking.
A shitty partner isn't even close to an excuse to cheat.
It's like a bank robber saying they're truly sorry, if they could go back in time and take it back, but they were broke so everyone has to understand why they brandished a weapon in people's faces. Do you think you'd believe that they were really sorry and emotionally strong enough to make changes?
It's all those explanations you gave that show how sorry you aren't. So what happens next time your wife gets grumpy? What happens if she gets seriously sick? Will you seek out outside validation? What about when she hits menopause and is sick half the time with headaches, hot flashes, etc.?
And maybe she was always going to eventually leave because cheating was a dealbreaker, but your entitled attitude won't help.
I understand you grieving the end of your marriage, but you come off as entitled. Not once did you ask anyone how to best support your wife in the divorce due to the damage you caused. Instead, you're venting me me me. After how hard I worked, she's still leaving ME ME ME.
I'm not taking swings at you. I'm really not. I'm trying to help you see where your attitude isn't helping your wife feel safe after you amputated part of her soul. If your wife posted in reconciliation telling us everything that you said, everyone would be telling her that this is NOT what remorse looks like and that, until you changed your entitlement, you aren't a safe partner to extend the gift of reconciliation.
I hope this helps you.
[This message edited by StillLivin at 9:53 PM, Monday, November 25th]