Hey OP. Just wanted to chime in and give you my support. It's a tough hit to the self esteem, I know. But, you will get through this and you will get stronger. When I was in the thick of it, that advice made me pretty angry. But here I am, years later and doing okay. My ex, not so much.
There have been volumes written on the differences of male and female behaviour, and although there is some overlap, I think what you are seeing is classic monkey branching. She tested out the potential of the new guy while dehumanizing and vilifying you. She did the to make you the bad guy, or at the very least, deserving of you own mistreatment. She has to be either the hero or the victim in her own narrative. She cannot be the villain.
You should fully prepare for her affair to go south sometime in the future, even soon, as the fantasy bubble bursts. When it does she will come to you with boiler play excuses: it was a mistake, I never loved him, I was going through x,y,z, it was just sex, we only did I once, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Or she will blameshit: you never paid attention to me, you were always gone, you were always here, you worked too much, too lille, just enough but that made me feel not special...
The point is, there will be no end to the bullshit that comes out of her mouth. Funny thing, we've all heard it before. It's like watching a movie with the sound off. We've memorized all the dialogue.
The bestway to navigate what is ahead of you is to try and temper your emotional responses. Give yourself time to truly consider your moves. Do the logical stuff that people are saying, finances, lawyer, ensure there is a paper trail of all communication, assume she will play dirty to get her way, so record everything. But after that, seek good counsel and heed it.
And be cautious of taking advice from those who haven't been betrayed. For them, their only experience is through Hollywood, where infidelity is oh-so-romantic. But also be cautious from taking advice from those who have been betrayed (like me) as we can protect our own experiences onto your situation.
In the end, we are here for you. You will get through ths. And be strong...
[This message edited by Justsomeguy at 12:01 AM, Saturday, November 30th]