Hi, torturedpoet.
I just read through your initial post as well as this one.
I know it's hard to pull yourself up from the pits of hell, been there, done that, have the t-shirt.
Gently, your husband is not a good candidate for R, IMO, he doesn't have any respect for you judging by what you wrote, and he is not really doing anything to help your marriage move forward. Transparency and honesty are key, he's not giving you any of that. When I found out about my WH affair, I was given access to everything including his work emails/voicemails, phone, laptop, I had access to everything.
Additionally, his extensive work travel pretty much came to a screeching halt, the trust was gone, his A was with a co-worker who lived across the country. I asked him to find another job, took about 6-7 months but he did, and his travel was cut down by probably 85%. I went with him on several work trips, AND he stopped socializing on the job. If he traveled, he went straight to his room after the work day and ordered room Service. Everything to help me feel safe again, and despite all of that, it took YEARS to rebuild trust.
Secondly, your husband has a serious drinking problem. Staying out to all hours of the night? He's acting like a single man. He should be home helping with the daily tasks and working his A$$ off to become a safe partner. I grew up with an alcoholic father, and the effects on me and my siblings were immeasurable. We carried a great deal of baggage for a long time. Think about your children and how this toxicity in your home is affecting them. Maybe that will motivate you to take action.
Please meet with your MD for temporary medications to help you cope. Many of us here took them to get through the darkest valleys.
I isolated myself in those early days as well, it was a huge mistake because I think getting out of my environment more would have saved a bit of my sanity. Don't be too hard on yourself, give yourself some grace, maybe every morning make a short list of things that need to get done or something that you can do for yourself daily to get your motivation back again. Take a long walk, have coffee with a friend, volunteer, anything to get you motivated again.
I feel for you bc I dealt with an alcoholic father and a spouse cheater, I can't imagine the pain you are in trying to cope with both simultaneously. (((hugs)))