People post from their experience and from the conclusions they draw from knowledge that's pretty limited
One doesn't need to know someone's entire life story, to be able to see the red flags in many posts on jfo,or the R forum.
I know it's hard to imagine that other people can experience life differently from how we experience it ourselves,
No,sisoon, it's not "hard to imagine." I'm not a child. I'm well aware that everyone's experience is different. But,when you see returning members coming back saying their ws did the work,was truly remorseful, you start to see patterns. Unless you choose not to.
I'd like to remind you..the same can be said for those who "reconciled." Maybe it's hard for them to see that not everyone has experienced what someone who has had another dday..with a remorseful WS, who did the work..years dealing with. Yet, when those members say they don't believe in true R..or,at least believe it's extremely rare..they're either shamed for having that opinion, or they're told they actually didn't have a WS who was remorseful, or did the work. They're basically told THEY don't know THEIR own story.
And..I get it. For those who reconciled, having their ws cheat again is typically terrifying. They need to believe it won't happen again. So when someone insists they did have a ws who was remorseful, they need to find a way to believe we are simply wrong.
That's my experience.
Yet,those who have a different experience, and dare say they don't believe in R,are told they're wrong. I don't believe in R, because of my experience. Yet saying that is met with attempts to shame.
As I said..I believe it's an unspoken rule that one must believe in R,on these forums. Which is why I don't post often, anymore. I believe infidelity is abuse. If you dont..then ok. But I do. Telling someone they can R if they have a truly remorseful WS, who does the work, seems like false information TO ME. Yes, because of my experience. But,also from being on this site for several years.
I truly hope those who reconciled never have to experience this crap again. But,because of my experience, I believe either the ws just learned to hide it better, or, eventually they'll do it again. And I know that ruffles feathers. I believe that opinion is helpful..but I also know several here don't think it is. Hence, the lack of posting.
That strikes me as sour grapes.
Sour grapes. Bitter. Words that are often said to the bs who don't believe in R anymore. No empathy. No understanding. No room for those members.
I do believe there are truly reconciled bs here on this site. Hikingout is an extraordinary example of a former ws. Ff is another, though it took a long time to feel that way,since he never told his wife. Daddydom is another. I would bet good money these 3 would never cheat again. I also believe you are reconciled. Tushnurse is another. I'm sure there are many more. But I also believe you all are in the minority.
Those of us who don't believe in R are given little empathy and understanding. We're shamed for having that opinion. Our experience is minimized. My opinion doesn't threaten anyone's attempt at reconciliation. But it does prevent me..and many others from getting the support we need. And THAT is a shame. This place was invaluable,for a very long time. But once I stopped being able to share my real fears,my doubts, my pain,after my second dday, I felt unwelcome. In what used to be MY safe place. This place should be a safe place for all BS. Even those who find reconciliation unhealthy. I can't encourage anyone to stay with an abuser,of they're sorry enough.
[This message edited by HellFire at 5:16 PM, Wednesday, November 27th]